
68 lines
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Raw Normal View History

export namespace main {
export class AniListCurrentUserWatchList {
// Go type: struct { Page struct { PageInfo struct { Total int "json:\"total\""; PerPage int "json:\"perPage\""; CurrentPage int "json:\"currentPage\""; LastPage int "json:\"lastPage\""; HasNextPage bool "json:\"hasNextPage\"" } "json:\"pageInfo\""; MediaList []struct { ID int "json:\"id\""; MediaID int "json:\"mediaId\""; UserID int "json:\"userId\""; Media struct { ID int "json:\"id\""; IDMal int "json:\"idMal\""; Title struct { Romaji string "json:\"romaji\""; English string "json:\"english\""; Native string "json:\"native\"" } "json:\"title\""; Description string "json:\"description\""; CoverImage struct { Large string "json:\"large\"" } "json:\"coverImage\""; Season string "json:\"season\""; SeasonYear int "json:\"seasonYear\""; Status string "json:\"status\""; Episodes int "json:\"episodes\""; NextAiringEpisode struct { AiringAt int "json:\"airingAt\""; TimeUntilAiring int "json:\"timeUntilAiring\""; Episode int "json:\"episode\"" } "json:\"nextAiringEpisode\"" } "json:\"media\""; Status string "json:\"status\""; Notes string "json:\"notes\""; Progress int "json:\"progress\""; Score int "json:\"score\""; Repeat int "json:\"repeat\""; User struct { ID int "json:\"id\""; Name string "json:\"name\""; Avatar struct { Large string "json:\"large\""; Medium string "json:\"medium\"" } "json:\"avatar\""; Statistics struct { Anime struct { Count int "json:\"count\""; Statuses []struct { Status string "json:\"status\""; Count int "json:\"count\"" } "json:\"statuses\"" } "json:\"anime\"" } "json:\"statistics\"" } "json:\"user\"" } "json:\"mediaList\"" } "json:\"Page\"" }
data: any;
static createFrom(source: any = {}) {
return new AniListCurrentUserWatchList(source);
constructor(source: any = {}) {
if ('string' === typeof source) source = JSON.parse(source); = this.convertValues(source["data"], Object);
convertValues(a: any, classs: any, asMap: boolean = false): any {
if (!a) {
return a;
if (a.slice && {
return (a as any[]).map(elem => this.convertValues(elem, classs));
} else if ("object" === typeof a) {
if (asMap) {
for (const key of Object.keys(a)) {
a[key] = new classs(a[key]);
return a;
return new classs(a);
return a;
export class AniListUser {
// Go type: struct { Viewer struct { ID int "json:\"id\""; Name string "json:\"name\"" } "json:\"Viewer\"" }
data: any;
static createFrom(source: any = {}) {
return new AniListUser(source);
constructor(source: any = {}) {
if ('string' === typeof source) source = JSON.parse(source); = this.convertValues(source["data"], Object);
convertValues(a: any, classs: any, asMap: boolean = false): any {
if (!a) {
return a;
if (a.slice && {
return (a as any[]).map(elem => this.convertValues(elem, classs));
} else if ("object" === typeof a) {
if (asMap) {
for (const key of Object.keys(a)) {
a[key] = new classs(a[key]);
return a;
return new classs(a);
return a;